Samsung's "Voice of the Body" is an open hardware and software platform for personal health monitoring

Admin 1 12:10 PM

What if your body had a voice? That was the premise that was asked, and would anchor the presentation Samsung provided in San Francisco on W...

T-Mobile plans UNcarrier 5.0 event for June 18th

T-Mobile has been making huge strides recently, and it all is due to its UNcarrier changes which have disrupted the wireless industry as a w...

HP: We still can use the Beats Audio brand through 2015

The big story of the day on Wednesday was the announcement that everyone knew was coming, Apple's purchase of Beats Audio. Sure, Apple t...

Samsung's Galaxy Tab S 10.5 AMOLED tablet now has official support pages

Samsung is really serious about tablets this year, and, after introducing quite a few models since January, it’s now getting ready to announ...

make your ASCII design to use it in facebook comments and chat

hi dear blog readers , you have see in some facebook profils some designs like this ascii art this is a ascii art . and today i will give yo...

what are nokia s40 s60v2 s60v3 and s60v5 phones ?

hi dear blog readers , all of you know that nokia has many phones on SYMBIAN platform os . this phones are in 3 groups . nokia s40 nokia s60...

write your name with your country flag - online -

hi dear blog readers , in this post i will give you a method to write your name online with your country flag. like this example to do this ...



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