Block numbers from texting or calling you in iOS 7

We've all been there. The survey takers keep trying to reach you, or the wrong number that keeps dialing you, never seeming to realize that your'e not the person they're looking for. Blocking numbers usually requires the assistance of your cell provider, but with iOS 7, you can block selected people from calling, texting, or starting a Facetime session with you.

Block numbers from texting or calling you in iOS 7
Scroll  to the bottom of a contact card to block someone.

If you want to block someone, you can go about it one of two ways: Through your contacts list or through the Settings app. To block someone already on your contacts list, open the Contacts app, select a contact card, scroll down toward the bottom, and tap Block this Caller.  If you're blocking someone in your Recents list of the Phone app, you'll need to tap the "i" to get their contact card, but aside from that, the process is the same.

If you want to edit your blocked list more quickly, open the Settings app, then go to either Phone, Messages, or FaceTime settings; scroll down to Blocked, and you can add or remove people from your blocked list. To add someone, tap Add New...; to remove someone, swipe a person's name from right to left, then tap the Unblock button that appears.

Keep in mind that if you block someone, they won't be able to call you, send you text messages, or start a FaceTime conversation with you. You can't block someone from texting you while allowing them to call. Keep this in mind, and block responsibly.

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