iphone 6 rumors - video

hi dear blog readers , you know that apple has announced the iphone 5c/5s . this two phone are between the best apple smatphones. So , afte...

Those cool iOS 7 features? Android does that too

Some of the most talked-about features in iOS 7 are also available on Android, with the help of a few apps. You could say iOS 7 is revolutio...

Five quick iOS 7 mysteries solved

What's that blue dot? How do I quick-delete e-mail messages? Here are the answers to these and other puzzlers. Some aspects of iOS 7 are...

A Few Tricks All The New iOS 7 Users Should Know

At long last, iOS 7 has arrived. That is, it arrived for everyone who didn’t say “Developer? Oh, yeah, I’m totally a developer. Cough” and...

Block numbers from texting or calling you in iOS 7

We've all been there. The survey takers keep trying to reach you, or the wrong number that keeps dialing you, never seeming to realize t...

Jailbreak untethered ios 7.0.2

Jailbreak untethered ios 7.0.2

Jailbreak untethered ios 7.0.2

Jailbreak untethered ios 6.1.3 - 6.1.4

Jailbreak untethered ios 6.1.3 - 6.1.4

Jailbreak untethered ios 6.1.3 - 6.1.4

Jailbreak untethered ios 7.0

Jailbreak untethered ios 7.0

Jailbreak untethered ios 7.0

compare the two phones : iphone 5C vs iphone 5S

hi dear blog readers, in this post i will give you the difference between iphone 5C and iphone 5S .   this two phones have been annonced the...

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hello , in this post download hotspot shield we have see the hotspot shield vpn in it computer version . but this day i will give you hotspo...

difference between 0.facebook and m.facebook

hello ; sure that you know m.facebook : the mobile facebook vesion . and in some countries there is a free facebook version called 0.faceboo...

ipadian : download ipad apps simulator in your pc

hello ; in a last post we have give you an iphone 4 simulator to test iphone in your pc before buy it . and in this we will give an ipad si...

how to unlock your iphone 4/3gs on ios 6 for free

Your iphone must be jailbroken Cydia Sources : ultrasn0w fixer : repo.iparelhos.com Ultrasn0w : Repo666.ultrasn0w.com compatible with baseba...

download iphone simulator 2013 in your pc for free

in this post i will give you the best iphone simulator fo pc this software is like an ios sdk that you give the possibility to simulate an i...



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